This is a metaphorical photo of the director.
Meet the Filmmaker
Hi, I’m Pat Solomon, producer and director of Finding Joe. For the past 12 years I have been directing commercials; you can check out my reel at newhousefilms.com. I started my career shooting action sports films: snowboarding, motocross and skateboarding, etc. Notable films include Totally Boardand Crusty Demons of Dirt. I started Finding Joe in February 2009 and, even though it’s not yet completed, it has been the best experience of my professional life by a mile.
Joseph Campbell’s work has influenced every major turning point in my life, including my decision to become a director. I owe my good fortune to the concepts and ideas that I discovered in his books. The Hero with a Thousand Faces put me on a path years ago that led me here, to my present film Finding Joe. One day in 2009 I saw The Power of Myth again and though I love that program I felt I could better understand the material if there was more visuals to help describe the concepts. Like story re-enactments or simple visual icons that related more to modern living. That was the “aha” moment.
I knew I had to make this film.
Joseph Campbell’s work has influenced every major turning point in my life.
This is not entirely a biography of Joe Campbell. It is an exploration of what all stories tell us about what it means to be human. The film will dive deep into what Campbell calls “The Heroes Journey”. What is it? and most importantly, what does it mean for me? It is a contemporary look at mythology and the lessons we can learn from stories: both ancient and modern.
For me, this film is the reason I became a director. My hope is that it will enrich the lives of others in the same way my life has been enriched.
Inquiries can be sent to mailto:info@findingjoethemovie.com.